CABD and SMATV System
SMATV systems, consisting of one or more TV dish antenna, are installed on roofs of buildings to receive and transmit digital broadcast TV signals to the occupants of the buildings via cables.
Satellite antenna
Broadband amplifier
Feed horn
Low-noise block down converter
Satellite receiver

Intercom and Video Door Phone System
Intercom and video door phone systems are used to manage calls made at entrances to buildings. Building occupants can communicate with visitors and verify their identities remotely, while allowing access to the visitors calling.
Door phone
Video intercom

Nurse Call System
Nurse call systems are installed at hospitals and nursing homes to allow patients to notify health care staffs at the nurse's station of any emergencies. Once the systems are activated, health care staffs are required to visit the respective bed to determine if assistance is needed.
Nurse call button (toilet/ bathroom/ bedside nurse call system)
Emergency station

Public Address System
Public address systems amplify and broadcast acoustic sound source (e.g. music and voice messages) in public venues, making sound information audible over a large distance.

Walkie Talkie System
Walkie-talkie allows users to communicate with each other via sending radio messages on a radio channel. This portable radio transceiver is suitable for internal communications within businesses, public safety, military, outdoor recreation.
Digital walkie talkie
Ear microphone accessories
Scope of application

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