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Body temperature screening solution

Stay alert to stay safe

Sanitizing Surfaces

Body temperature monitoring serves as a first line of defence to detect individuals with fever, a possible symptom of Covid-19. 

To safeguard public health and reduce the spread of disease, our company offers a range of thermal imaging systems designed to automate temperature screening of large crowds with efficiency. Through non-contact measurements,  individuals with surface skin temperatures above the temperature threshold can be identified and refrained from entering a building. 

Thermal Imaging System



Rapid and accurate multi-person detection to prevent queues and crowds from forming.



Embedded audio alarm to notify operators immediately. (Detection within 1 second)

Face recog.png

Facial recognition

AI detection to reduce false alarms from other heat sources.

Save function.png

File record

Capture and record image of person with an elevated skin-surface temperature.



Temperature measurement without physical contact to prevent potential spreading of disease.

Scope of application

Suitable for public places with high people flow

Hotel | Commercial building | School  

Public transport | ​Office | Exhibition centre

Job reference

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